not calm down the poisons and clashes on the landfill Berlusconi government plans to build a Terzigno in the Province of Naples , and that the villagers do not want to allow Vesuvius. By now the small town of Naples is depicted as "new Baghdad," an outpost of war where instead of hand grenades (but we'll have those too), there are bags that accumulate dell'immondizzia as I could and where people (youth, women and elderly people, it makes no difference) seems to be possessed. The Head of Civil Protection Guido Bertolaso \u200b\u200b promised that the situation will be resolved soon and 3-4 days in Naples will be cleaned. And 'it possible that by 2010, a distinguished (?) Character of policy (yes, because now Bertolaso \u200b\u200bin politics!) Italian has yet to make such statements? Naples submerged by waste, the only city in all of Italy that can not solve this problem. Logical to think that behind this there is a lack long arm of organized crime. Yeah but where is the evidence? How can I prove this? Perhaps because the crime is now even dominant element of the institutions? Nobody can confirm nor deny it but no one can. With the hints and allegations are not going anywhere. Yes, Naples is cleaned. But not only waste ...
That waste is a problem that continues to be an emergency has become daily life. For over 15 years Naples "red" of Bassolino, the Iervolino and other characters who do not even have the courage to resign for all the accumulated disasters (including sacks) has shown an inability unrivaled incompetence and a mismatch with their respective roles can not be seen even in the primitive organizations Papua New Guinea (with all due respect to those populations). It makes you think allusions to a possible "corruption" by local politicians. Yeah, but back to the saying before: how to prove this?
One thing is for sure, admitted that "great minds" (a euphemism) are in fact come to terms with organized crime, there are two results postponed. First of all it has cost them face. Now some men (and women) without a drop of credibility that can only be venerated by their wheeler-and persons to which it has the patronage. Second aspect: the Neapolitans. Only the people of Naples pay! The face of the good people (which is the overwhelming majority) was scamazzata, muddy, suppressed because of a few.
That waste is a problem that continues to be an emergency has become daily life. For over 15 years Naples "red" of Bassolino, the Iervolino and other characters who do not even have the courage to resign for all the accumulated disasters (including sacks) has shown an inability unrivaled incompetence and a mismatch with their respective roles can not be seen even in the primitive organizations Papua New Guinea (with all due respect to those populations). It makes you think allusions to a possible "corruption" by local politicians. Yeah, but back to the saying before: how to prove this?
One thing is for sure, admitted that "great minds" (a euphemism) are in fact come to terms with organized crime, there are two results postponed. First of all it has cost them face. Now some men (and women) without a drop of credibility that can only be venerated by their wheeler-and persons to which it has the patronage. Second aspect: the Neapolitans. Only the people of Naples pay! The face of the good people (which is the overwhelming majority) was scamazzata, muddy, suppressed because of a few.
JUSTIFIED EMBITTERED - Here we are not judging people who are doing everything to-back so as not to build a new landfill. E 'useless people of the north there is to say if those people are unconscious or not. To them I asked a question: how would you feel you with the stench of waste into the nose for 15 years? Patience has a limit, beyond which we pass to the state of exasperation. Here it must be said: the people of Naples is exasperated!
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