In recent days
in Oliveto Citra started an initiative for the establishment of a civic committee to protect the right to health in the territory of the Valle del Sele. The idea is gained as a result of the Plan Regional Hospital that the Hospital S. Francis of Assisi "Oliveto Citra, provides for the conversion and rehabilitation center in the closure of surgical units and emergency. The initiators want to alert the public by referring to the fundamental right to health enshrined in Article. 32 of the Constitution.
the flyer distributed in all municipalities reads verbatim: "... That article, in the establishment the protection of health as a fundamental right of the individual and collective interest, in fact obliges the State to promote the appropriate steps and to take specific behaviors aimed at the best possible protection of health in terms of generality and a whole since the maintenance of a state of complete physical and psycho-social is not only a fundamental right for mankind, for the values \u200b\u200bof which he is the bearer as a person, even for the best interests of the community engagement and the role that man himself is called to perform in social development and growth of civil society. Therefore, all citizens are invited to join and participate actively to protect its own constitutional and inviolable right which is health. "
References relief to all the information and the membership committee are the Parish of St. Maria della Misericordia with the parish priest Don Luigi Piccolo and the Evangelical Christian Church with Pastor Dr. Pasquale Gigante.
the flyer distributed in all municipalities reads verbatim: "... That article, in the establishment the protection of health as a fundamental right of the individual and collective interest, in fact obliges the State to promote the appropriate steps and to take specific behaviors aimed at the best possible protection of health in terms of generality and a whole since the maintenance of a state of complete physical and psycho-social is not only a fundamental right for mankind, for the values \u200b\u200bof which he is the bearer as a person, even for the best interests of the community engagement and the role that man himself is called to perform in social development and growth of civil society. Therefore, all citizens are invited to join and participate actively to protect its own constitutional and inviolable right which is health. "
References relief to all the information and the membership committee are the Parish of St. Maria della Misericordia with the parish priest Don Luigi Piccolo and the Evangelical Christian Church with Pastor Dr. Pasquale Gigante.